This article explains how to implement a dynamic countdown message in the portal. This can be used in various scenarios where a countdown or other variable, dynamic information is updated in the message, like session timeouts, limited-time offers, etc.
For example, it can be a message like “You have MM:SS remaining to complete this action”.
The idea is to get the base message with gs.getMessage()
in the server script and replace the dynamically the timer using a client script.
Why not simply use a static Angular message
Angular offers a way to bind dynamic data to the HTML template, but it has limitations when the message itself is partially static with only one part that change dynamically. To my knowledge there isn’t a way to easily replace a placeholder (like “MM:SS”) within the message itself every second.
Server Script
In the Server Script, we basically retrieve the messages and the different options for the time options.
// get the widget options
data.timer = options.timeout; // initialize the timer, in milliseconds
data.timeout = options.timeout; // keep the timeout value, used when resetting the time
// get the count down message
data.countDownMessage = gs.getMessage(options.countdownmessage);
Client script
In the Client Script, we first need a function to format time in the “MM:SS” format and set the timer value used in the message:
// Set the initial value of the time to display to the user = formatMillisecondsToMMSS(;
// Function to convert the millisecond in minutes:seconds (MM:SS) format
function formatMillisecondsToMMSS(milliseconds){
var seconds = parseInt(milliseconds / 1000, 10);
var minutes = parseInt(seconds / 60, 10);
seconds = seconds % 60;
minutes = minutes % 60;
var formattedTime = minutes.toString().padStart(2, '0') + ":" + seconds.toString().padStart(2, '0');
return formattedTime;
Then we need to set the timer for the countdown, that will update the time displayed to the user:
// Start updating the timer every second
$timeout(updateTime, 1000);
function updateTime(){ -= 1000; // Decrease the timer by 1 second
// check if the time is over
if ( <= 0) {
// Set the displayed time to zero (so we never show negative time) = formatMillisecondsToMMSS("0");
// perform the required action when time is over, for example redirect somewhere else
window.location.href = "/";
} else /*update counter*/ { = formatMillisecondsToMMSS(;
$timeout(updateTime, 1000); // Update again after 1 second
In some cases, we want to reset the countdown, for example when the user is interacting with the page:
// Reset the timer when navigating in the page
$rootScope.$on('$locationChangeStart', function(event, newUrl, oldUrl) {
// Reset the timer on click and keydown events
document.addEventListener('click', resetTimer);
document.addEventListener('keydown', resetTimer);
// Function to reset the timer
function resetTimer() {
// reset the timer =; = formatMillisecondsToMMSS(;
HTML template
And the last, but not the least, here is the HTML template. To display the dynamic message, it call the function formatCountDownMessage()
with the message and the time in the MM:SS format.
<span class="countdownmessage">{{c.formatCountDownMessage(data.countDownMessage, data.timeMMSS)}}</span>
and the corresponding function (in the client script!):
// Add the formatCountDownMessage
c.formatCountDownMessage = function(message, timeMMSS) {
if (!message || !timeMMSS) return message;
return message.replace('MM:SS', timeMMSS);
Putting all together in the Client Script
Here is the complete Client Script with all the part detailled above. You can also find the complete widget in the References section below.
api.controller = function($timeout, $rootScope) {
/* widget controller */
var c = this;
// Set the initial value of the time to display to the user = formatMillisecondsToMMSS(;
// Start updating the timer every second
$timeout(updateTime, 1000);
// Reset the timer when navigating in the page
$rootScope.$on('$locationChangeStart', function(event, newUrl, oldUrl) {
// Reset the timer on click and keydown events
document.addEventListener('click', resetTimer);
document.addEventListener('keydown', resetTimer);
// Function to update the timer
function updateTime() { -= 1000 // Decrease the timer by 1 second
// check if the time is over
if ( <= 0) {
// Set the displayed time to zero (so we never show negative time) = formatMillisecondsToMMSS("0");
// perform the required action when time is over, for example redirect somewhere else
window.location.href = "/";
} else /*update counter*/ { = formatMillisecondsToMMSS(;
$timeout(updateTime, 1000);// Update again after 1 second
// Function to reset the timer
function resetTimer() {
// reset the timer =; = formatMillisecondsToMMSS(;
// Function to convert the millisecond in minutes:seconds (MM:SS) format
function formatMillisecondsToMMSS(milliseconds) {
var seconds = parseInt(milliseconds / 1000, 10);
var minutes = parseInt(seconds / 60, 10);
seconds = seconds % 60;
minutes = minutes % 60;
var formattedTime = minutes.toString().padStart(2, '0') + ":" + seconds.toString().padStart(2, '0');
return formattedTime;
// Add the formatCountDownMessage
c.formatCountDownMessage = function(message, timeMMSS) {
if (!message || !timeMMSS) return message;
return message.replace('MM:SS', timeMMSS);